So the new driveshaft is there!sprocket and lock too.All Honda Japan. It looks like the crank is gone too,to much wear(expensive little piece). Piston and rings will be replaced too. More pictures.......
Sonntag, August 13, 2006
Today,Javier took the engine from the frame.Men this one was dirty! Oil and grease from decades,hahaha.But he enjoyed cleaning it with steam. What can i say,BOYS TOYS.
Donnerstag, August 10, 2006
So my trusty bike is in DAKARMOTOS NOW! First steps where taken and the periferial things dismounted.Tank,chain,skid plate,etc. The drive shaft and sprocket looked like Beirut after the bombing!!!!! Completly worn out and imposible to use! Here the first pictures. Javier got his new working toy.A hidraulic ramp! More to come